Activities in the Professional Development Constellation include formal and informal professional development (PD) geared towards better educating computer science educators (high-school and postsecondary) and teaching assistants (TAs) on identity-inclusive topics. 

K-12 Activities

The Computing Equity Project (CEP) at Georgia Tech’s Constellations Center for Equity in Computing is committed to fostering a nurturing environment for teacher growth in computer science (CS) education. The CEP has launched this project, which includes professional development (PD) focused on advancing highly motivated CS educators to become instructional coaches and leaders in creating a community of reflective practitioners to promote equity in CS education.

CSTA Teacher Inquiry Groups are a semester-long program that combines asynchronous online PD with facilitated monthly or bi-monthly community of practice (CoPs) sessions that engage a consistent group of CS educators in discussing identity-inclusive CS topics, practicing safe conversations, and building community. These facilitator-led sessions will help teachers better understand topics in a more intimate environment than traditional PD, allowing them to collaborate and engage in deep conversations with other group members. 

CSTA Identity Inclusion Online PD courses provide a flexible, deep learning experience that you can complete at your own pace. Course content includes meaningful and interactive activities focused on application to your CS classroom — you’ll do a lot more than just read and watch. Plus, you will experience asynchronous collaboration with other CS educators as you both give and get feedback and exchange ideas.

Postsecondary Activities

The 3C Fellows Program at Duke University is a novel virtual, cohort-based PD program where postsecondary (future) CS faculty and staff (in teams or individually) 1) study topics such as identity, intersectionality, and systemic disparities to understand historical trends that impact organizational cultures and technology development; and 2) develop IIC courses, modules, and department activities.

The AIICE Teaching Assistant Professional Development Course, developed collaboratively by Bard College and Mount Holyoke College, aims to equip Computer Science Teaching Assistants (TAs) with the knowledge and tools to foster an inclusive and supportive learning environment. Understanding the constraints faced by supervisors in implementing comprehensive training, each topic is introduced briefly, encouraging participants to delve deeper into the subject matter independently. A curated list of topic-specific resources is provided to facilitate further exploration.

Professional Development Constellation Members

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