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2024 Identity Inclusive Instructors in Computing Education Summit

4:00 am - 4:00 am

Portland, Oregon

The purpose of the Identity Inclusive Instructors for Computing Education Summit is to build capacity,  knowledge, and skills to support identity-inclusive computing education in high schools and colleges.  

This year’s workshop seeks to bring together Pacific Northwest educators across secondary and college pathways to consider how pedagogical practices, course design, and supportive learning ecosystems can support students from multiple and intersectional identities.  

Who can participate? 

This professional development workshop is open to high school, college, and university instructors of computer science education. This year, there is a particular focus on the Pacific Northwest region. While individuals are welcome to apply to participate, we encourage applications from those who have organized into small regional groups of 3-4 educators, representing both secondary and higher education settings. The goal of the Summit is to engage secondary and postsecondary CS educator groups in thinking about and co-designing Identity Inclusive CS education activities across their local CS pathways.  

When is the program? 

Full participation in the program spans a pre-meeting online Zoom session and an in-person workshop in Portland, Oregon over a weekend. 

Pre-Summit meeting, 1 hour, March tbd @ Zoom 

April 6-7, 2024 @ Portland, Oregon 

To make the most of our time together, we will prepare and distribute pre-session materials to review before the workshop. This will require four hours to review and reflect on materials.  

Travel Information 

All travel, lodging, and meals will be arranged for and paid for by the University of Oregon as part of this workshop. We are happy to make any accommodations to ensure participation from participants with disabilities.  

Do participants receive a stipend? 

Yes, there will be a $1000 stipend for participants who attend the pre-summit meeting and the in-person  Summit.  

When is the deadline to apply?  

Applications need to be received by February 14, 2024, for full consideration. We will notify accepted applicants on February 28, 2024.


Computer Science, Computing, Computing & Technology, Diversity, Education, Education & Classroom Learning, Educators, Equity, Identity, Inclusion