Student Advisory Board Application

No alliance seeking to reform computing education would be complete without participation from students. The student advisory board will convene postsecondary students from colleges and universities across the country to provide strategic advice to the Alliance on how best to accomplish our goals and objectives. 

Applicant Requirements

Potential student advisory board members must meet the following requirements:

  • Currently enrolled as a student at a U.S. two- or four-year college or university.
  • Remain enrolled as a student at a U.S. two- or four-year college or university during their term (one or two years, depending on classification).
  • Demonstration of prior activities/engagements that support the AiiCE mission.
  • Submission of a current resume.

Board Member Expectations

All selected student advisory board members will be expected to perform the following:

  • Fully participate in the annual, two-day June Community meeting. All expenses (travel, hotel, and meals) will be covered for any required travel.
  • Fully participate in the annual advisory board meeting in January (virtual).
  • Uphold the ideals of the AiiCE mission (including in the campus/professional community, social media, and beyond).
  • Advocate for the Alliance and its activities at their home institutions and throughout their academic/professional communities.
  • Provide timely communication with AiiCE leadership (including responding to emails, calendar invites, and submission of any requisite information).

Submission Instructions

Applicants are expected to review all information on this page (including the FAQ, then submit applications here NO LATER THAN December 31, 2024. Please note this is a hard deadline and no exceptions will be provided. Applicants will be notified of decisions via email on or around March 15, 2025.


Application Timeline

  • December 31, 2024: Applications due
  • ~March 15, 2025: Application decisions sent
  • ~March 31, 2025: Deadline for acceptance

General Timeline for Current Board Members

  • June 2025: Annual Community Meeting
  • January 2026: Advisory board meeting
  • Summer 2026: Annual Community Meeting
  • Winter 2025: Advisory board meeting
  • May 2026: End of advisory board term


  1. What is AiiCE?

AiiCE is a national Alliance that joins several organizations across K-16 computing education to “increase the entry, retention and course/degree completion rates of high school and undergraduate students from groups that are historically underrepresented in computing.” AIICE is founded upon evidence that student-focused (and often deficit-based) strategies do not adequately address institutional cultures, policies, and practices that have marginalized people from non-dominant identities. Identity-inclusive computing studies how identity (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, ability, class, sexuality, and more) impacts and is impacted by computing. Alliance activities are organized under the four domains (i.e. constellations): training, curricula & pedagogy, research, and policy. 

  1. Why does AiiCE need a student advisory board?

Creating systemic change in computing education requires input from Community members. Our most important Community members (students) should help guide how this work evolves. The student advisory board has a unique perspective that can help inform strategic advice on all Alliance activities. 

  1. Do I have to be a current college student to apply?

Yes. Applicants must be currently enrolled as a student at a U.S. two- or four-year college or university and remain enrolled for the duration of their time on the student advisory board

  1. Do I need to be a computer science/engineering major? 

No. Computing is extremely interdisciplinary. In addition, our work recognizes the importance of social science and other disciplines for improving computing education. We value the perspectives of students from various majors and welcome all to apply. 

  1. What will the student advisory board do?

The Alliance consists of two advisory boards. The external advisory board convenes national leaders in social science, computer science, and education. The student advisory board will convene current undergraduate students. Both advisory boards will provide perspective and recommendations on activities proposed/conducted by the Alliance.

  1. How many students will you select?

The membership will consist of 8-10 students selected from across the country. 

  1. How will you determine who becomes a student advisory board member?

Student advisory board members will have a demonstrated commitment to the ideals of the Alliance (e.g., equity and inclusion in computing for students from groups that are historically underrepresented in computing, social justice, and more) and represent a diverse set of perspectives in terms of individual identities and institution types.

  1. What is the time commitment?

Each student advisory board member will serve a two-year term and participate in two Alliance-wide meetings per year (June and January). Additionally, members are also responsible for supporting Alliance-wide initiatives and responding to email requests throughout the year.

  1. Is this a paid opportunity?

There is no financial compensation for serving on the student advisory board. However, you have the opportunity to meet and work with national leaders in social science (including our external advisory board), K-16 computer science education, and peers from across the country; contribute to an important project; and leverage this experience as you pursue other academic and professional opportunities.

  1. Will I have to travel?

Annual Community meetings may be held at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, USA. In the case of in-person meetings, all travel, lodging, and meal expenses will be paid by the Alliance. 

  1. What will we do between the two meetings each year?

Between meetings, the student advisory board may be asked to provide feedback via emails or surveys about Alliance activities. Additionally, members are asked to attend AiiCE-sponsored activities, serve on one panel as part of AiiCE's Identity & Computing Lecture Series, and develop one activity at their home institution that amplifies the work of the Alliance. 

  1. Can I include this on my resume or graduate school application?

Absolutely! This will be a great opportunity for you to learn more about identity, inclusion, and equity, develop and grow your leadership skills, and meet peers and scholars from across the country. It is our hope that student advisory board members gain invaluable experience and knowledge that can transfer to their academic and career pursuits. 

  1. What may cause me to be removed from the student advisory board?

While we hope that it does not happen, we recognize that there may be instances where a student advisory board member may be removed. Failure to appropriately represent the ideals of the Alliance (e.g., based on inappropriate/offensive activities, including on social media) will result in removal from the program.

  1. What if I can’t complete my full term?

We ask that if you apply and are accepted you commit to completing your full term. Of course, we know that circumstances can change. If you are accepted and unable to complete your term, please inform us as soon as possible. 

  1. What if I’m not selected as an advisory board member?

We encourage you to consider reapplying in the future. We will seek applications for new advisory board members each academic year.

  1. What if I transfer schools/majors?

You are only required to remain enrolled at a college/university. It is okay for you to make changes along your educational journey. 

  1. What if I can’t attend the entire meeting?

We understand that things happen. However, all student advisory board members are expected to fully participate in each meeting. 

  1. I know others who may be interested in applying. Can they apply too?

Of course. Please spread the word about the Alliance!

  1. Who do I contact if I have more questions?

Please direct your questions to Mrs. Moniquea Allen or Minerva Matos-Garner at