
Identity-Inclusive Computing - How identity (i.e., race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, ability, socioeconomic status, and their intersections) impacts and is impacted by computing

This brief introduces identity-inclusive computing (IIC) tenets in three priority areas. These tenets guide strategic planning, resource allocation, and collective action to increase the representation, power, and protection of marginalized people in CS. 



Priority Areas

Curricula & Pedagogy

Developing innovative identity-inclusive educational methodologies and best practices in K-16 computing education.

Professional Development

Identity-inclusive computing (IIC) training activities for K-16 CS educators, administrators, and university teaching assistants.


Creating institutional, structural, and systemic changes across K-16 computing education via resource development and advocacy.

Each tenet is presented with explanatory text, and indicators are provided as examples of what might be observable or measurable in an environment to indicate that the tenet is active. These indicator lists are presented as a starting point to support the CS education ecosystem in moving from motivational speech about equity and broad calls for action to discrete and concrete expectations for outputs, results, and collective accountability.


Why the Focus on IIC?

If the field is serious about tackling the exclusion and dysfunction undermining K-12 CS education, CS college departments, and the tech workforce, AiiCE posits that IIC is a necessary tool to do so.


Collaboration & Partnership

Join the AiiCE network if you are interested in increasing your individual cultural competence; creating CS course environments that are reaffirming – rather than obstructive– to the CS identity formation of students from historically excluded populations; and deploying inclusive -- rather than exclusionary – teaching strategies and instruction that improve learning for all students.

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